Prayer Point - Ask the Lord to be effective in the things of God.
Previous Knowledge - Assistant teacher reviews the previous week's lesson while teacher marks the workbook.
1. Opening
A. BIBLE PASSAGE - Luke 9: 59-62
B. Memory Verse - "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1

C. Lesson Introduction - To procrastinate is to put off a required action until a future time. It means to defer or to postpone. Life is full of decisions and time is often of essence in these decisions. Procrastination is, therefore, a character flaw that affects millions of people in every walk of life. While it is regarded as normal for people to procrastinate, it can become a problem that can hinder normal life functioning. It cuts across all areas of life, from accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to attending to assignments by students and many other areas. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will teach us as we study in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

A. Lesson Aim - To study causes, effects and solutions to procrastination.

B. Teaching Objectives and Lesson Plan

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Understand the causes, effects and solutions to procrastinations. To achieve these objectives,  
- Teacher defines procrastination.
- Teacher explains causes of procrastination.
- Teacher explains the effects of procrastination.
- Teacher explains solutions to procrastination.
- Teacher concludes by encouraging students to be prompt and do whatever they have to do at the right time.

C. Text Review - Luke 9: 59-62. The response of Jesus to the statement made by the first man He called to follow Him in this study indicates that the kingdom assignment demands haste.
The man requested to go and bury his father. Jesus did not forbid that we should bury our departed ones but He placed priority on the living. "Go and preach the kingdom of God". The dead cannot repent, they cannot confess, they cannot forgive, but the living can. So, much attention should be given to the living where there is hope. Jesus did not also favour unnecessary ceremonies that could delay the work of the kingdom. He also forbids all acts of drawing back or looking back because such acts could cost one the kingdom of God. Those who may wish to follow Him for earthly benefits or personal convenience may be disappointed because His focus is principally on the kingdom of Heaven.

A. Teaching Method - Teacher should use lecture teaching method.

B. Time Management - 15 minutes for Opening, 30 minutes for Lesson Outline, Summary, Conclusion and Assignment, 15 minutes for General Review.

2. Lesson Outlines
Qi. What is procrastination?
A. Slugish and spiritless attitude to the things (of God). 2nd Chronicles 24:4-5.
Qii. Why do people procrastinate?
Ai. Because of personal convenience. Act. 24:25
ii. Because people are lazy. Proverbs 26:13-16; 10:4
iii. Worldly entanglement (allowing worldly stance to override the things of the kingdom). Gen.19:16; Matthew 19:22
iv. Family pressure or discouragement consideration. Matt 8:21; Luke 9:59-62
v. Environmental distraction or societal dictations, beliefs or norms. Eccl. 11:4

Class Activity 1 - List any five factors which have made you to delay or abandon divine order. What would you have done if these factors have not crept in?

i. Loss of fellowship and opportunities. Matt. 25: 11-12; Lk. 13: 24-25

ii. Procrastination can make someone to be unprepared when the Lord will come. Matthew 24: 48-51
iii. Precious souls could be lost to hell if we delay the work of the kingdom (soul winning/witnessing). Jer. 8:20

i. Proper planning of daily schedules and time and events and activities.

ii. The use of reminder mechanisms. iii. Setting priorities appropriately.
iv. Avoid events/activities which consume time unnecessary e.g. TV. Movies

v. Focus on today and not tomorrow.

vi. Remember you have limited time on earth.
vii. Be committed to the things of God first. Eccl. 3: 1; Isaiah 56: 12; Act 24:25; Matt6:25:31; Habakuk 2:3; Matt. 24: 48-51.

Class Activity 2 - In spite of your official routine, how can you have/create more time for God?

Summary: Whatever you set your mind to do for the kingdom, do it now or at the appropriate time. Delay is dangerous.

Conclusion: You may procrastinate but time does not. It keeps on moving. Time waits for no man and the lost time can never be regained. Today's duty that is put off till tomorrow usually gives you a double burden to bear. The best way is to do it at the proper time. Christ will come like a thief in the night. Repent now and do not postpone your salvation. Tomorrow might be too late -2 Cor. 6:2, Deut. 23:21, Eccl. 5:4, 12:1.

Assignment: See assignment in the workbook.